Collaboration is the key to a thriving future
The horticultural industry is experiencing unprecedented times in terms of adapting to technical challenges ranging from climate change to efficient use of resources to new pests and diseases. At the same time, businesses have to deal with economic pressure in terms of costs versus reasonable income, labour availability and ensuring technical competence into the future. All these pressures make investment decisions difficult. Applied research helps address some of these challenges, but with increasing pressure on research funds as a result of government austerity measures, where should the industry turn for help?
At AHDB Horticulture, we recognise that research and development is essential to improving practice, increasing knowledge and developing innovative approaches to address key issues. Innovation across all disciplines of horticultural production is an essential foundation on which to build a thriving future. AHDB Horticulture has the capability to work across all aspects horticulture, covering both edible and ornamental crops. However, the decline in government research spend means that it is now imperative that we work with other organisations in order to realise the best possible return on levy investment for our levy-paying businesses.
See AHDB Horticulture's current partnerships