Crop Protection News

Crop Protection News

AHDB is committed to help the horticulture industry in Britain survive and thrive.

Challenges faced by the horticulture sector include regulatory and commercial constraints on the availability of pesticides for minor uses and the associated need to improve the resilience and sustainability of crop protection systems.

Our strategy aims to help the horticulture industry face this challenge by:

  • Generating approvals for the use of plant protection products on horticultural crops

  • Generating innovative knowledge exchange and research and development to improve the productivity, resilience and sustainability of horticultural production systems

Generating EAMU applications

The resilience of horticultural crop production depends largely on maintaining access to effective plant protection products. As existing approvals are lost for commercial or regulatory reasons, replacements are needed.

EU regulatory and commercial pressures on manufacturers mean many currently available plant protection products will be withdrawn over the coming decade. As new products of potential value to horticulture become available, EAMUs will be needed to enable their use on horticultural crops.

We will track the loss of actives and approvals, assess potential impact and agree priorities for EAMUs in consultation with grower associations and sector panels. Whenever possible co-funding will be secured from manufacturers.

EAMUs approved by the Chemicals Regulation Directorate together with associated efficacy, exposure and crop safety data, will be held by AHDB in a secure database.

Developing integrated crop management (ICM) systems

Cost-effective, resilient, sustainable ICM systems that minimise both the likelihood of pesticide resistance development and possible adverse environmental impacts are essential to the long-term viability of horticultural production systems.

AHDB will focus our knowledge exchange and research and development work on the development of resilient and sustainable ICM systems using a range of agronomic, behavioural, biological, chemical and genetic control agents, supported by precision diagnostics and decision support tools.
