Horticulture Levy Payers

Horticulture Levy Payers

Under the terms of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Order, growers are required to pay a levy if they grow horticultural products (specified in the Order below), sell products grown by them, or anything derived from such products grown by them, and have adjusted sales figures from these products or derivatives of £60,000 or more (in any year ending March 31).

Horticultural products covered by the AHDB Order include vegetables grown in the open (except potatoes where separate arrangements apply), fruit, flowers and bulbs, hardy and other nursery stock, protected crops and herbs. Mushrooms are also included, but pay on a different basis (see below). Full details are provided in the Order.

AHDB Order 2008

Horticulture L17 Return Accountant Cert

Horticulture L17 Return No Accountant Cert

Mushroom L17 Return Accountant Cert

Mushroom L17 Return No Accountant Cert