Recruitment open for AHDB Horticulture panel representatives
05/09/2019 | 13.16
We are looking for new voices for our horticulture expert panels to help steer work to ensure it continues to deliver value and impact for the industry.
05/09/2019 | 13.16
We are looking for new voices for our horticulture expert panels to help steer work to ensure it continues to deliver value and impact for the industry.
04/09/2019 | 12.17
Research funds of £250,000 are now available for five projects to tackle high priority pests and diseases threats for horticulture crops.
22/08/2019 | 15.30
Field vegetable producers are set to benefit from four new centres that will demonstrate the latest horticultural research in practice.
14/08/2019 | 11.08
With rising automation, labour shortages, fewer plant protection products and evolving consumer behaviour, AHDB Horticulture needs an ambitious strategy for