Hardy Nursery Stock

Hardy Nursery Stock

Hardy Nursery Stock

The Hardy Nursery Stock sector contributes around 10% of the annual income and is one of the most diverse of the eight AHDB Horticulture sectors. The sector encompasses numerous production systems, ranging from outdoor systems (field or container) to protected systems (glasshouse or tunnel). Businesses vary considerably in size and the markets they supply, and the most specialist nurseries concentrate on only a few plant species, while others may supply well over 1000.

Latest Research

There are a number of projects that could have an impact on your business. Get information on hardy nursery stock research here.


AHDB Horticulture produces a wide range of publications that could help train your teams, change practice and learn new skills. See what's available for hardy nursery stock.


Take a look at the latest uploaded videos right here

ProCost & ProSpace

Download the latest versions of the ProCost (2012) costing tool and the ProSpace (2013) method for planning space use.